
Strafford News

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lowering Everyday Costs for NH Families - A letter from Congressman Chris Pappas

Chris pappas

The Falls Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on November 22.

Dear friend, 

Today the House passed the Build Back Better Act. This legislation will lower taxes for New Hampshire families, bring down the cost of everyday expenses including child care and prescription drugs, invest in our workforce, small businesses, and manufacturers, and improve services for veterans.


It addresses these and other critical issues in a fiscally responsible way - it is fully paid for and doesn't raise taxes on small businesses or people making less than $400,000. And it will reduce the deficit by $112 billion over a decade.

In America, ensuring our families can succeed should not be a lofty goal. And while there is more work to come, today we started a process to ensure that Granite State families can succeed and thrive. 

Click here to learn more about this legislation.

Delivering Heating Assistance for Granite State Households

As the weather grows colder, it is vital that we quickly make heating assistance available to New Hampshire families. That is why I'm pleased that federal heating funds are arriving at a critical time to help New Hampshire families as winter arrives. Earlier this month, I announced that New Hampshire would be receiving $25 million in federal  funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

I urged the Biden Administration to take this kind of action to ensure our families' needs are met throughout the winter. No Granite Stater should be forced to choose between heating their homes and making ends meet, and we must continue working to ensure that the needs of Granite Staters are met this winter.

Learn more about my efforts to help Granite Staters heat their homes.

Funding for New Hampshire Law Enforcement 

This week, I announced that New Hampshire will receive $500,000 through DOJ’s Community Oriented Policing (COPS) Hiring grant program. The COPS Hiring program supports state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies’ ability to hire, preserve and/or rehire law enforcement officers and increase community policing efforts.

New Hampshire law enforcement is among the best in the nation, and I've been committed to securing all resources available to support their work and ensure the highest standards and best practices are in place. This grant will allow local departments to hire additional officers and increase community policing efforts. These federal funds could not come at a more important time as we continue to deal with COVID-19 and related issues, including the continuing epidemic of addiction and substance misuse.

Federal Funds for Manchester Infrastructure Projects


On Tuesday, I helped announce that Manchester will receive $25 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation to transform its South Millyard area and improve the movement of people and goods at the center of the Queen City.

This game-changing federal grant will do more than fund key infrastructure and transportation projects in Manchester - it will make a down payment on creating the kind of bright future that is possible when we make smart, forward-looking investments that create jobs, spur economic development, and improve quality of life. Manchester is New Hampshire’s largest city, home to the largest airport in Northern New England, and is a cultural and economic hub for surrounding communities.

This RAISE grant project will serve the city, its residents, and those in surrounding communities, and I'm pleased that I was able to help deliver these funds to my hometown. 

Click here to read more.

$10 Million for Manchester & Lebanon Airports to Support Pandemic Operations

On Thursday, I helped announce $9,786,943 in federal funds for Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and Lebanon Municipal Airport. This funding comes from Airport Rescue Grants funded under the American Rescue Plan Act to help airports prevent, prepare for and respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Specifically, Manchester-Boston Regional Airport will receive $8,735,862 and Lebanon Municipal Airport will receive $1,051,081.

The COVID-19 pandemic required us to refrain from traveling and take new precautions when using mass transportation, including airplanes. Our regional airports, which are a critical piece of our state and local economies, were severely impacted by these changes. I’m excited Manchester Airport will receive these funds to ensure they can continue to respond to and recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Original source can be found here.